In the fullness of time
Elaine Silverstrim - Contributing columnist
“But when the fullness of time had come, God sent his Son, born of a woman, born under the law, so that we might receive adoption as children …” Gal. 4:4
Those are the words that come to us on the first Sunday of Christmas, this coming Sunday Paul, writing to a community of early followers in Galicia. By all accounts Paul is writing his letters to early, mostly home, churches with the simple, critical message. The fullness of time arrived. God became man, as a baby.
His writings are thought to have been written before the final form of most of our Gospels.
True teamwork & community spirit: County ensures pop up success as 278 tested
By Tom Barr -
Member of the Ohio National Guard were part of the pop testing team.
Wilmington-Clinton County Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Dessie Rogers gets her nose swabbed for testing as the chamber’s Molly Boatman records the process along with narration.
County Commissioner Brenda Woods (standing) was among the volunteers involved in recording all the pertinent information into computers.
It took the work of dozens of volunteers to bring free local COVID-19 popup testing to Clinton County Saturday at the Engineer’s Office on Fife Ave. in Wilmington.
Finding joy in time of upheaval
“Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances …”(1 Thess. 5:16)
As we approach this coming Sunday, the Third Sunday of Advent, the lessons for lectionary-based denominations shift. In church, we would be lighting two purple (or blue) candles and one rose (pink) candle. Our lessons would point to joy: liberation to captives, release to prisoners, comfort to all who mourn.
It’s more than challenging to rejoice in the middle of such a long and life-altering period of time. We can be forgiven if the words of Isaiah and Paul to the Thessalonians first quoted, can fall flat and even hollow.