Here is another reminder if you have not already done so to consider crypto mining in the background on your desktop PC with Nice Hash Quick Miner (payout s in Bitcoin), it s safe to do so, I do it with my desktops yielding £150 per month per pc after electricity costs, the requirement being an Nvidia GPU with at least 6gb of vram. Whilst AMD GPU s can use the regular Nice Hash miner that uses third party algorithms.
Video Contents: 01:20 Limit GPU System Power Draw 02:58 3 Weeks Mining Earnings 03:38 Calculating Profitability 08:46 Which GPU s are profitable 10:03 How long to crypto mine for 11:04 What to do with your bitcoin earnings
India s covid-19 double mutant B.1.617 apocalypse continues with the actual numbers of deaths and infections many times the official numbers of 400,000 infected and 3,500 deaths per day as we witness the collapse of India s healthcare system. that could see the number of total number of deaths exceed 2 million before the end of May. Meanwhile indian politicians live in an alternative universe, making announcements that all indians over the age of 18 now being eligible for the vaccines, despite the fact that most of the vaccination centres have closed due to lack of vaccines which means only 10% of Indians have had 1 dose and 1.5% 2 doses. If those in charge of India had any sense of intelligence then they would be focused on vaccinating the most vulnerable i.e. the over 45 s and not opening up vaccinations to all adults! Instead of which Indian s government is primarily focused on peddling misinformation in trying to hide the magnitude of the catastrophe underway which includes instr
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There is no point focusing on India s official covid stats of cases and deaths per day as they under report the extent of the covid apocalypse by several orders of magnitude form at least X2 to as much as X10 i.e. it is highly probable that as many as 25,000 people are dying per DAY! Courtesy of super spreader events such as the Hindu Kum Mala festival and mass election gatherings both of which STILL CONTINUE despite the apocalypse. This illustrates what happens when morons are in charge of the government, which Brit s and Americans will know too well, given the catastrophic early response to the virus during 2020. Though India did have the benefit of hindsight, for they dodged a bullet during 2020, so had TIME, nearly a whole YEAR to prepare themselves for probable second and third waves, instead the Indian government did NOTHING, hence the catastrophe that looks set to continue to worsen for several more weeks. Which means India s actual death toll could easily exceed 1 million an