Will Joe Biden do something about the price of insulin going so high that many people can’t afford to live? Instead of sham impeachment trials, why aren’t the politicians working on this problem?
Democrats will solve the problem by putting through single payer. Only that will kill the middle class with taxes.
Insulin back up to $1,500 for a 90 day supply. Thank President Biden. Big Pharma’s investment paying off. Meanwhile, minimum wage increases looking iffy, trade protections disappearing, low-wage immigration influx incoming, energy jobs cut, and stimulus checks shrinking.
Democrats are blaming Donald Trump for the rise in prices, but critics say it is the result of Joe Biden’s order removing the price cap. Left-wing factcheckers like
What climate policies can we expect from Joe Biden?
President-elect Joe Biden has made addressing climate change a central part of his campaign. While the return of the United States to the fight against climate change is undeniably good news, there is every reason to believe that the task will be difficult for the new president, says Augustin Fragnière of the Interdisciplinary Centre for Sustainability at the University of Lausanne.
This content was published on January 21, 2021 - 09:00
January 21, 2021 - 09:00
Augustin Fragnière, Centre for Sustainability at the University of Lausanne
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Combating climate change is one of the four priorities on Joe Biden s agenda. What can we really expect from the new US government? Will Joe Biden have the means to live up to his promises and ambitions?
President-elect Joe Biden will be inaugurated in the same spot where insurrectionists waged an assault on the U.S. Capitol just weeks before. Scott Pelley reports on how officials are ensuring the inauguration will be safe.