to stop lying, Save Jerseyans.
Now Malinowski is communicating with two sets of folks who are important to his reelection effort – the Media and potential donors – and giving them two VERY different messages. “a mistake that I own 100%.”
“I brought this on myself by not setting up a blind trust the day I was sworn in,” Malinowski told Moran after the fact.
That’s not quite an apology – not even close – but it’s not exactly a protestation of innocence either!
Than I received a Malinowski fundraising blast email on Wednesday morning. The email signed by Malinowski fundraising director Brooke Zindulka dismisses the AP story as aother “vile lie” spread by the Congressman’s right-wing enemies. The AP is right wing??? That’s news to me!
House Democrats are still pursuing Trump’s tax returns but Biden administration may not play ball
After notching recent wins in their long hunt for material to help bring legal accountability to former President Donald Trump, congressional Democrats fear the Biden administration won’t be helpful when it comes to obtaining the documents they covet the most: Trump’s tax returns.
Critics of the former President have demanded a response to what they charge are the many injustices and potential crimes of the Trump administration. But four months into President Joe Biden’s term, liberal advocates and some lawmakers are growing impatient that the Justice Department hasn’t done more to expose the Trump administration’s alleged misdeeds and in some cases has even tried to help shield them.
After notching recent wins in their long hunt for material to help bring legal accountability to former President Donald Trump, congressional Democrats fear the Biden administration won t be helpful when it comes to obtaining the documents they covet the most: Trump s tax returns.
After notching recent wins in their long hunt for material to help bring legal accountability to former President Donald Trump, congressional Democrats fear the Biden administration won’t be helpful when it comes to obtaining the documents they covet the most: Trump’s tax returns.
Critics of the former President have demanded a response to what they charge are the many injustices and potential crimes of the Trump administration. But four months into President Joe Biden’s term, liberal advocates and some lawmakers are growing impatient that the Justice Department hasn’t done more to expose the Trump administration’s alleged misdeeds and in some cases has even tried to help shield them.
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“Not all ethics waivers are bad,” said a former director of the Office of Government Ethics.
Soon after taking the oath of office in January, President Biden issued a sweeping ethics pledge for executive branch personnel. But shortly thereafter, the administration granted waivers to two labor leaders to allow them to serve in senior positions, drawing the ire of some conservatives along with charges of hypocrisy. “Labor’s sizable personnel presence in the administration is driving policy,”
Axios reported on Friday. “And the president’s appointment of top union officials to senior posts gives those unions powerful voices in the federal bureaucracy even at the cost of strictly adhering to his own stringent ethics standards.”