UC Davis Medical Center in Sacramento
Andrew Nixon / CapRadio
After front line workers at hospitals, who should get the vaccine next? Many groups are lobbying to get in front of the line, including teachers, but will they? And, was it the placebo, or the real deal? A participant of the Moderna vaccine trial explains what the process was like. This all comes as thousands of doses arrive at UC Davis; we hear from the hospital’s top doctor on the challenges and protocols of delivering the vaccine to who need it most. Plus, songs of the season and the CapRadio Homegrown Holiday Concert.
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12/10/2020 09:13 AM EST
THE BUZZ: If Gov. Gavin Newsom was looking for a wartime consigliere, he may just have gotten one.
A particularly perilous political path stretches before the first-term governor. A restive and anxious public is running out of patience with coronavirus lockdowns even as we enter what could be the pandemic’s deadliest phase. In the coming months, Newsom will have to oversee the vaccination of some 40 million Californians while trying to revive an economy battered by months of ratcheting restrictions and dealing with legislators who are clamoring to flex their supermajority might.