La sesta edizione del Grande Fratello Vip sta iniziando a prendere forma. Tra addii e conferme… clamorosi ritorni nel programma. Il GF Vip 6 inizia a prendere .
Si sta lavorando in modo impegnativo per la prossima edizione del Gf Vip 6, vediamo insieme chi potrebbero essere i prossimi opinionisti.
Nell’ultima edizione .
„Štěstí přeje připraveným,“ říká Monika Trávníčková. Korony se nezalekla a vedle manžela Pavla Trávníčka začala zastupovat další umělce. Kupodivu z hudební branže. Mimo jiné Jaroslava Svěceného. Údajně spolu jenom pracují, ale objevily se i zvěsti, že jejich vztah je více než přátelský. Monika však tyto spekulace vyvrací.
It is not going to be the same again for ordinary Maldivians and their VVIPs, some of whom have been incorrigibly lax and insistently non-cooperative in following security protocols, what with the government promising to undertake a ‘security/ intelligence audit’ forthwith. Simultaneously, Parliament’s National Security Committee, too, began investigating the ‘security breach’ that possibly facilitated the 6 May bomb-blast, from which Parliament Speaker Mohammed ‘Anni’ Nasheed, escaped with grievous injuries.
For his part, President Ibrahim ‘Ibu’ Solih has since asked his Cabinet to ‘reinforce the security’ for heads of all three branches of the government, if needed by amending the Constitution. He also wanted official residences for the Parliament Speaker and the nation’s Chief Justice respectively heading the Legislature and Judiciary branches of the government. The two were, thus far, entitled only to personal security.
More on this: 12 May 2021, 12:10 UTC ·
Manchester City team manager Pep Guardiola is currently busy prepping for the UEFA Champions League Final, with his side set to take on Chelsea FC on Saturday, May 29. At the same time, as Nissan Global Ambassador, he’s passionate about more than just soccer, having recently shared his excitement for zero-emissions vehicles such as the Nissan Leaf, which he owns. 6 photos
Guardiola started his EV journey three years ago and has enjoyed driving the fully electric Leaf ever since. During an interview, the Spanish club manager talked about his passion for innovation both on and off the pitch, as well as why he decided to drive an electric car to begin with.