College isn't cheap. However, depending on your situation, you might be eligible to deduct all or a portion of tuition costs when you file your taxes. But, because the tax code contains multiple.
Bill would give income tax credit for North Dakota student loans
Student loan interest is paid through the Bank of North Dakota and eventually makes it way into the state’s general fund. Rep. Pamela Anderson, D-Fargo, indicated that the people paying the interest on the loans would be able to better utilize the dollars, even if the amount that would be credited would not be high. 12:00 am, Jan. 25, 2021 ×
Rep. Pamela Anderson, D-Fargo, watches as red lights outnumber the green (yes) lights on the House tally board during Monday s floor session. Rep. Anderson sponsored two bills to restrict smoking that were both voted down. Tom Stromme / Bismarck TribuneTom Stromme / Bismarck Tribune