For the first time in 48 years, pro-lifers won't assemble for the annual March for Life event over concerns with the pandemic and safety issues around the Capitol.
The annual March for Life traditionally held in the nation's capital will take place virtually this year due to concerns surrounding the coronavirus pandemic and heightened pressure on law enforcement.
“Mr. Becerra has consistently used the power of his office to attack people who think differently than him and to advance the interests of the abortion lobby when he had the authority to do so,” the letter said.
The letter spearheaded by Students for Life Action cited Mr. Becerra’s hostility to religious and conscience exemptions from abortion and birth control requirements, including his ongoing legal battle with the Little Sisters of the Poor over the state’s contraception mandate.
“We the undersigned have grave concerns about how he would use the power of the nation’s healthcare systems to advance his preference for abortion and express his disregard for people of faith by forcing support, payment, and compliance with policies that he prefers,” the letter said.