The Warren County Board of Supervisors continued budget discussion in special sessions this week, meeting on Tuesday and Wednesday. The board met with various county departments, including the Warren County Recorder, Warren County Fair, Kiya Koda Humane Society, IT, and the Warren County Engineer’s Office. The board is scheduled to meet again in special session tomorrow at 1pm, meeting with the Warren County Attorney, Auditor, and the Clerk of Court. All Warren County Supervisors meetings can be viewed on the Warren County website.
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By early 1967, just months after Ronald Reagan’s election as governor, James Q. Wilson had already tired of East-Coasters’ new favorite pastime, “Explaining California.” So the California-born Harvard professor penned a firsthand account of growing up in Long Beach, “to try to explain what it was like at least in general terms, and how what it was like is relevant to what is happening there today.” As Wilson explained in “A Guide to Reagan Country,” Reaganism reflected a southern Californian individualism focused not on changing the world but on improving your own small part of it your home, your yard, and, before you were old enough for any of that, your car.
For the second day of Feeding America Kentucky’s Heartland MLK Day of Service, volunteers were outside of Heritage International Christian Church in Radcliff, addressing a line of cars picking up
SPRINGFIELD, Mo. The Annual Business Meeting of the IAFE was conducted virtually December 8, 2020. The meeting included a report of the Nominating Committee, election of new officers, as well as a “state of the state” address from President & CEO Marla Calico.
“Presenting the Annual Business Meeting virtually proved to be an engaging and more intimate way of conducting necessary business as compared to the on-stage presentation in a theater or convention center ballroom. Attendees were able to provide comments through chat functions to congratulate individuals,” stated Calico.
Outgoing Chair Nancy Smith shared her reflections on 2020 and presented a message of hope for the future. Incoming Chair Eugene Cassidy recognized Smith’s unique leadership role.