Monday, 24 May 2021, 1:30 pm | Special Olympics NZ A time-defying team of Special Olympics footballers from Hawke’s Bay this weekend
is set to qualify for an incredible eighth National Summer Games. The Hawke’s Bay
Special Olympics football team with players ranging from 71 to 9 years of age. The . More
Monday, 23 September 2019, 12:37 pm | Special Olympics NZ
Cardrona Alpine Resort was the host last week to Special Olympics New Zealand 7th
National Winter Games. Held over four days, 48 athletes with an intellectual disability
took to the slopes to race in alpine skiing and snowboarding events - each competing . More
Wednesday, 11 September 2019, 1:52 pm | Special Olympics NZ
But I was fine so that was a no I ticked as I breezed on through. Aside from that thought the stores were open, duty free was pumping and even Tiffany s were selling jewellery. I guess all they need is one businessman feeling guilty for missing his wedding anniversary to buy a diamond ring and they ve made bank for the day. Flying internationally was so exciting. I may have imbibed in the words of Christopher Pyne and had a few champagnes, put on Gravity with Sandra Bullock and George Clooney and cried at one point. Not sure why, it s not a particularly sad movie.
By: Xinhua
AUCKLAND: Several hundreds of firefighters took the Auckland Sky Tower Stair Challenge in New Zealand to raise funds and awareness for leukaemia and blood cancer charity on Saturday.
The Firefighter Sky Tower Stair Challenge is an annual event where hundreds of firefighters collect funds and race up 51 flights of stairs of the Auckland Sky Tower, while wearing a full firefighting kit. The Challenge is aimed to raise money for the Leukaemia and Blood Cancer New Zealand (LBC) charity.
On Saturday, after months of training, almost 1,000 firefighters climbed the 1,103 steps of the Sky Tower, each carrying 25 kg of equipment, along with photographs of the cancer patients and families they are supporting to keep them motivated throughout the challenging race.
My wife went through so much pain and never complained once, and I wanted to complete this physical challenge to commemorate her. “If my wife was alive she would be the first in line for this challenge to raise funds towards cancer research, so others don’t go through a similar experience,” said Cameron. “I ran on a broken hip flex and possible hernia that I developed through training for this event. However, I was not going to let anything stop me from attending .
Helen Schaufeld/Stuff
Crowds gathered as firefighters prepared to take on the challenge. “I felt so happy when I reached the top, but it was bitter-sweet because of the raw emotion it brings out of me. I would love to complete this event again next year and continue to raise money for LBC.”