Over 700 people attend the event including veterans, the Minister for Defence Peeni Henare, Minister for Māori Crown Relations Kelvin Davis and Minister for Māori Development Willie Jackson. The academy started in 2010 in response to the worst NCEA exam statistics ever for the region – which saw only 19 per cent of Māori boys in Whangārei passing NCEA level 1. The school pushes high standards, and quickly earned a place in the hearts and minds of 28 Māori battalion veterans, whanau, hāpu and Iwi – and are often called upon to be present at important regional, national and international events as a result.
i te ngarohanga o
te mareikua o Ngāti Ruapani, o Tūhoe, o Ngāti
E kui, e Rangimarie Turuki Arikinui Rose
Haere atu rā ki te āiotanga o te aorangi, ki
te pono o te aorangi, ki te aroha o te aorangi. Pākatokato
ana te aroha o te motu, otirā, o te ao, i tō ngarohanga.
Kia tika tō rori ki te āiotanga o te atua matua nui i te
rangi. Moe mai rā.
Minister of Māori Development
Willie Jackson has paid tribute to Dr Rangimarie Turuki
Arikirangi Rose Pere NZCM and OBE. Willie Jackson said