Researchers from Uppsala University show in a new study that inhibition of the protein EZH2 can reduce the growth of cancer cells in the blood cancer multiple myeloma.
Figure 1: Raman spectroscopy uses laser light to characterize the chemical composition of samples. RIKEN researchers have now used Raman spectroscopy to.
New research aims to explore functions of bile acids in the gut stem cell niche
Feb 12 2021
Examining gut health from a different angle, Flinders University’s Associate Professor Robyn Meech is looking at what can trigger colon cancer – and she believes bile acids may provide a significant piece of the puzzle.
Image Credit: Flinders University
Associate Professor Meech recently received Australian Research Council Discovery funding to investigate this under-explored area of gut and intestinal health, and aims to answer wide-ranging questions about the functions of bile acids in the gut stem cell niche.
This new research, which will commence at Flinders University in early 2021, approaches gut health from a different angle thanks to Associate Professor Meech having worked in disparate fields, threading her lines of interest between stem cell research, pharmacology and toxicology.