Task force needs property owner information on underground features in Keweenaw County
Task force needs property owner information on underground features in Keweenaw County
Contact: Jay Parent, 906-236-9611 or John Pepin, 906-226-1352 Agency: Natural Resources
June 2, 2021
Affected area is Lake Superior shoreline from Gay to Grand Traverse Harbor
The Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes and Energy s Water Resources Division, in cooperation with the Buffalo Reef Task Force, is asking property owners to report underground features, like onsite septic systems and water and irrigation lines, along a 5-mile stretch of Lake Superior shoreline in Keweenaw County. Over the past few years, the task force has been working to remove dark-colored stamp sands from the beach between the community of Gay and Grand Traverse Harbor.
Task force needs property owner information on underground features in Keweenaw County
Task force needs property owner information on underground features in Keweenaw County
Contact: Jay Parent, 906-236-9611 or John Pepin, 906-226-1352 Agency: Natural Resources
June 2, 2021
Affected area is Lake Superior shoreline from Gay to Grand Traverse Harbor
The Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes and Energy s Water Resources Division, in cooperation with the Buffalo Reef Task Force, is asking property owners to report underground features, like onsite septic systems and water and irrigation lines, along a 5-mile stretch of Lake Superior shoreline in Keweenaw County. Over the past few years, the task force has been working to remove dark-colored stamp sands from the beach between the community of Gay and Grand Traverse Harbor.
MANILA When COVID-19 emerged in early 2020 in Southeast Asia, its governments took rapid containment actions: lockdowns, travel restrictions and trade suspensions, alerting the public about the virus. The pandemic has also put illegal or unsustainable wildlife trade under the spotlight due to enhanced restrictions on movement and increasing awareness about the public health […]
With every passing year, the share of the budget going towards civil servants' salary and allowance gets bigger. And the proposed budget for the incoming fiscal year, due to be unveiled in the parliament on June 3, is no different. Some Tk 71,350 crore has been earmarked for bureaucrats' payroll in fiscal 2021-22, which is an increase of 8.3 percent from this year, according