Anne Arundel County adds $50 million to 2 existing commitments
Anne Arundel County Retirement and Pension System, Annapolis, Md., made two follow-on private equity commitments totaling $50 million.
The $1.9 billion pension fund s board at its Feb. 16 meeting approved follow-on commitments of $25 million each to PA Small Company Private Equity Fund IX, a buyout fund of funds managed by PA Capital, and PIMCO Private Income Fund, an evergreen private credit fund managed by Pacific Investment Management Co., recently released meeting minutes show.
The pension fund originally committed $20 million to PA Small Company Private Equity Fund IX in November 2019, and $25 million to PIMCO Private Income Investment Fund in August 2019.
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Presented by the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe and Earthjustice
With Daniel Lippman
Chip Unruh, the press secretary for Sen.
Jack Reed (D-R.I.), the top Democrat on the Armed Services Committee, blasted out a gentle reminder email to the Capitol Hill press: “Reed is NOT Chairman of SASC (yet).” Reed’s ascension to chair of the defense committee will come once Senate Majority Leader
The NHP Foundation to Preserve Overlook Manor Townhouses as Affordable Housing in Frederick, MD
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Overlook Manor Townhouses
“Closing out 2020 with such an achievement assures many more years of reliable housing for residents, and NHPF is working toward closing a larger refinancing next year that will allow us to do a substantial rehabilitation of the property,” said Richard F. Burns, President & CEO of NHPF. NEW YORK (PRWEB) December 21, 2020 In keeping with its mission to preserve affordable housing, national not-for-profit The NHP Foundation (“NHPF”) has acquired Overlook Manor, 63 townhouse units in nine buildings for a moderate rehabilitation. NHPF closed on the purchase of the property with a $10 million acquisition bridge loan provided by the Low-Income Investment Fund (LIIF).