The Atlantic
Trump Has Left Congress No Choice
The Capitol riot was a tragic farce, but the type of political violence it represents poses an existential threat to democracy.
January 25, 2021
Melina Mara / The Washington Post / Getty
The first impeachment of Donald Trump was an act of self-preservation by Democrats. The second is an act of self-preservation by Congress.
In 2019, the Democratic congressional leadership initially resisted the cries for impeachment that had been building since the party gained control of the House of Representatives; Speaker Nancy Pelosi memorably and ineffectually quipped that Trump was “almost self-impeaching” in May of that year.
At least 83 people were reportedly killed and 160 others injured in a sporadic violent attack that took location at El Geneina, the capital city of Sudan s West Darfur state, according to authorities. The death toll from the bloody events in El Geneina has climbed to 83 and the injured to 160 since Saturday, Xinhua news agency quoted the Doctors Committee of West Darfur state as saying in a statement on Sunday.
The deadly clashes grew out of a fistfight Friday between two people in a camp for displaced people in Genena, the provincial capital. An Arab man was stabbed to death and his family, from the Arab Rizeigat tribe, attacked the people in the Krinding camp and other areas Saturday.
When a violent mob attacked the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, it was their self-identification as Christians that struck at the heart of the Baptist leader and religious thinker Russell Moore and led to his decision to speak out against President Trump.
Trudeau also said the U.S. electoral system and its institutions had held up in the aftermath of last week's violent attack by "a small, angry mob" on Capitol Hill. "There is a need for a re-engaged United States in global circles," said Trudeau. "One of the things that a lot of the traditional allies and friends of the United States are looking forward to is a re-engagement on some of the big themes, whether it's freer trade, whether it's climate change, whether it's protecting democracy." Outgoing President Donald Trump often clashed with traditional allies on trade. He imposed tariffs on Canadian aluminum and steel and paralyzed the World Trade Organization's role as global arbiter on trade by blocking appointments to its appeals panel. On climate, Trump withdrew from the Paris Agreement that set up a global framework to reduce carbon emissions, and he seemed more at ease with leaders like Russian President Vladimir Putin than