Back in December, Rare announced some pretty big changes coming to Sea of Thieves in 2021. The biggest change is that development on the competitive mode ‘The Arena’ is coming to an end, with the developers focusing on the core game moving forward. Alongside this, a new seasonal content system is being put into place supported by Battle Passes.
The first season of Sea of Thieves content starts on the 28th of January, at which point the first battle pass will be available. This features 100 progression levels, granting unique unlocks as you continue to play.
As part of the season one launch, there will be a new voyage type for the Merchant Alliance trading company. Additional content will also drop over the next few months, leading up to Season 2 in late March or April.
NMN momentum: GNC China launches supplement this month, clinical trials in progress GNC China has launched its first nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN) supplement this month, after researching and developing the product for the past year.
NMN supplements have been highly sought in China since July, with brands such as Doctor’s Best, Gene Habour, and EZZ enjoying huge commercial success.
Amid the NMN wave, there has been an influx of products into China.
An example is GNC China which unveiled its first NMN product during the China International Import Expo (CIIE) last month.
“The NMN ingredient has been popular in the US and Japanese markets in the past two to three years. We believe that the trend will spread to China and thus started to research on the ingredient and developed our own product,” Samuel Huang, CEO and GM at GNC China told