Michael Fouquet is CTO and co-founder of Stark, a startup that provides integrated accessibility tools for product design and development teams.
For too many companies, accessibility wasn’t baked into their products from the start, meaning they now find themselves trying to figure out how to inject it retrospectively. But bringing decades-long legacy code and design into the future isn’t easy (or cheap).
Businesses have to overcome the fear and uncertainty about how to do such retrofitting, address the lack of education to launch such projects, and balance the scope of these iterations while still maintaining other production work.
16 February 2021, 9:33 pm EST By
Are you curious to see which are the very best web tools and services in 2021? We included 51 very different solutions: WordPress full support service, Goodie - a top web development service, website builders, logo creators, awesome WordPress and WooCommerce themes, plugins, and even more.
For each web tool or service, we wrote a review in which we explain you what about and how it will help you.
We start the article with a very popular logo design platform.
With LogoAI platform, you will get both a smart and unique logo, and a brand identify for your business in a matter of minutes. This is a super-smart software that uses Artificial Intelligence to design each logo, and the results are amazing.
How Will Biden Transform Government Website Accessibility?
The new WhiteHouse.gov accessibility statement proves that the Biden administration is committed to making its website usable for people of all abilities, and is instructive for state and local government as well. by Mike Gifford and Luke Fretwell / February 12, 2020
With President Biden s inauguration, the WhiteHouse.gov team launched a new website and immediately made a statement.
A noticeable and well-received feature of the new site missing from the previous administration’s is that it once again has an accessibility statement linked in the footer of every page, a best practice that demonstrates an early indication that this administration is committed to serving all Americans of all abilities.