New York Health Commissioner Defends Use of COVID-19 Drug Cocktail at State-Run Veterans Nursing Home
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Ben Fractenberg/THE CITY
New York’s chief physician deflected blame and side-stepped questions Thursday about the state’s handling of the pandemic in nursing homes including queries about use of an unproven COVID-19 treatment administered at a state-run nursing home in Queens.
Dr. Howard Zucker provided the fullest state response yet to a report by THE CITY, Columbia Journalism Investigations and Type Investigations that found at least 62 residents of the New York State Veterans’ Home at St. Albans were given hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin last spring despite risks documented by federal authorities yearsbefore the pandemic.
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I Tested My Blood, Tap Water, Household Products, and Cat for PFAS
Here’s what I learned about the risks posed by these toxic ‘forever chemicals’ By Tom Perkins for Type Investigations February 23, 2021
This article was reported in partnership with
Around 2009, a 16-year-old girl went to a clinic in New York City for her first gynecology exam. The doctor, a middle-aged man, disarmed her with awkward, self-deprecating jokes. Dr. Robert Hadden had delivered the girl years earlier. He allegedly instructed her to undress, climb onto the table and “get on all fours,” according to court documents related to a lawsuit that was filed in April 2019. After a prolonged exam, Hadden “proceeded to rub both of his ungloved hands up and down her body,” according to the suit, which claims that Hadden penetrated the girl with his hands during two appointments. Neither Hadden nor his lawyer responded to questions for this story.
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now surpassed one million coronavirus vaccinations, hitting the mark with 1,032,158 doses given out as of Tuesday. That may sound like a lot, but remember that Mayor Bill de Blasio
pledged to do a million vaccinations in the month of January alone, on top of the ones already done in December. Now well into February, it’s fair to say we’re quite a bit behind schedule, as the mayor readily acknowledges.