Cedar Rapids
• Monday: 7 p.m. on Facebook Live, St. Paul’s United Methodist Church annual celebration with music and speakers; Dr. Percy and Lileah Harris “Who is My Neighbor” Award will be given to an adult and a high school senior, recognized for diligently working for justice in Linn County. Details: facebook.com/stpaulsunitedmethodistchurchcedarrapids
Iowa City
The 2021 Martin Luther King Jr. Celebration of Human Rights is a collaborative effort between the University of Iowa, city of Iowa City and several community organizations.
• Monday events:
MLK Jr. Day of Service Virtual Celebration: 10 a.m. on Facebook, YouTube and Instagram, with bell ringing ceremony, guest speakers, performances and resource fair.
Martin Luther King Jr. Day events in Iowa City, Cedar Rapids
The Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. addresses the crowd of about 200,000 from the steps of the Lincoln Memorial where he delivered his famous, “I Have a Dream,” speech during the Aug. 28, 1963, civil rights march in Washington, D.C. (U.S. Marines photo/The Washington Post) The Gazette
Here are some of the free events in the Cedar Rapids and Iowa City areas celebrating the life and legacy of Martin Luther King Jr.
Cedar Rapids
• Monday: 7 p.m. on Facebook Live, St. Paul’s United Methodist Church annual celebration with music and speakers; Dr. Percy and Lileah Harris “Who is My Neighbor” Award will be given to an adult and a high school senior, recognized for diligently working for justice in Linn County. Details: facebook.com/stpaulsunitedmethodistchurchcedarrapids