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NEW YORK, Jan. 26, 2021 /PRNewswire/ L Occitane, Inc. ( L Occitane or the Company ), a leading U.S. retailer of beauty and well-being products rich in natural and organic ingredients that preserves and celebrates the traditions of Provence, today announced that it has taken action to further accelerate a transformation already well underway to best position its business for the future. With its iconic global brand and highest quality offerings beloved by many, L Occitane has successfully evolved its business model to serve customers nationwide across multiple channels. The initiative announced today will allow the Company to create a sustainable U.S. store platform for the long term.
Seas voyages, starting in July.
Frederic Darque, L’Occitane, general manager, global B2B and spa, L’Occitane en Provence, said that travelers at sea can enjoy the same high-quality treatments as they do on land, a fully integrated well-being journey to the sunny soils of the South of France.” While this is the company s first venture operating a spa at sea, it currently operates more than 100 land-based spas in 30 countries.
World Traveler s guests can choose from spa treatments that combine exclusive sequences, all hand-performed, with ingredients from
Provence, certified in origin. Among the choices will be the 90-minute
Sleep & Reset Massage,” which has proven effective for sleep quality, as tested and accredited by the