’s MacKenzie Sigalos brings you the day’s top business news headlines. Today was a historic day on Wall Street the Dow crossed 30,000 for the first time on record.’s Pippa Stevens explains what Dow points are, why they’re important, and why 30,000 is such a significant milestone. Plus, CNBC Wealth Editor Robert Frank breaks down how Tesla’s. Facebook Nov 23, 2020
Food insecurity has become a widespread issue amid the Covid crisis, especially after relief such as $1,200 direct checks and the additional $600 per week in unemployment benefits extended by the CARES Act in March ran out. At the end of September, nearly 20% of all adults and 40% of those in a family where at least one adult lost a job reported food insecurity, according to the Urban Institute. Food hardship has increased significantly during Covid-19, especially for households headed by Black and Latinx adults, said Luis Guardia, president of the Food Research & Action Center. SNAP benefits can help provide the nutrition those households need.
Aid Bill has $13 Billion for Food Stamps, A Jobs Boost Bargain
Daniel Acker / Bloomberg via Getty Images file
The $13 billion boost to food stamp benefits in the new coronavirus aid bill isn’t some kind of giveaway to the poor it’s some of the best stimulus government money can buy.
Posted: Dec 23, 2020 9:00 PM
Posted By: Kenny Darr
NBC News - The $13 billion boost to food stamp benefits in the new coronavirus aid bill isn’t some kind of giveaway to the poor it’s some of the best stimulus government money can buy.
Economists say the new increase for food stamps, known as “SNAP,” or the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, through June, 2021, wouldn’t just help those going hungry during the pandemic. It also boosts the economy more than other kinds of stimulus spending.