A Leavenworth man who is facing a murder charge reportedly told police he was possessed by his dead cousins, according to a probable cause affidavit prepared by a detective.
LETTER: Female athletics
To the editor:
On May 3, 11 Democrats and three Republicans voted to sustain Democrat Gov. Kelly’s veto of SB 55 that would allow men identifying as women to participate in female athletics.
On May 14, the Leavenworth Times printed the results of a track and field event that included teams from Leavenworth, Lansing, DeSoto, Basehor, Shawnee Heights and Turner.
The Times compared the results of equivalent male and female events. For example: 100-meter dash – M-10.78 seconds, F-12.47 seconds; 200-meter dash – M-21.6 seconds, F-24.96 seconds; 400-meter dash – M-51.19 seconds, F-56.75 seconds; high jump – M-6 feet, 2 inches, F-5 feet; long jump – M-24 feet, F-16 feet, 7 inches; pole vault – M-11 feet, F-10 feet, 6 inches; shot put, M-53 feet, 10 inches, F-36 feet, 7 inches; javelin – M-154 feet, 3 inches, F-125 feet, 10 inches; 1,600-meter run, M-4 minutes, 27.72 seconds, F-5 minutes, 37.69 seconds.
LETTER: Stolen valor?
To the editor:
I hold our legislative representatives, regardless of party affiliation, in very high regard and esteem for their willingness to do the hard work necessary to make our community a safe and prosperous place in which to work and live. They are all to be highly commended.
I am, however, always disappointed to see any member of a legislative body, be it national, state or local government, enflame the fire of partisanship with rancor and divisiveness as a means of establishing party preeminence on any given issue.
Rep. Proctor’s angry letter in the Leavenworth Times on April 17-18, 2021, titled “Stolen Valor,” in which he claims ownership of House Bill 2021, demonstrates that he has fallen prey to the enticing lure of subordinating another to superordinate himself. In this case, Sen. Pittman.