AEW Dark: Elevation (Episode 11)
Taped in Jacksonville, Florida at Daily’s Place
Tony Schiavone and Paul Wight were on commentary and welcomed us to the show. Tony sent it to Justin Roberts to introduce the first match…
QT Marshall (w/The Factory) vs. Robo. QT dominated the majority of the match. Late in the match QT hit his backbreaker/flatliner combo followed by the Cutter for the pinfall
QT Marshall beat Robo by pinfall in 4:30.
Bailin’s Breakdown:A slightly extended showcase win for Marshall. No interference or post-match shenanigans this week
Abadon vs. Leila Grey. Late in the match, Abadon hooked Grey into the Cemetery Driver for the pinfall.
Powerhouse Hobbs & Ricky Starks (w/ Hook) defeated Rick Aldridge & Aaron Frye (:31)
The Town Business from Hobbs finished off Frye in just 31 seconds.
Leyla Hirsch defeated Diamante (2:37)
Diamante held her own with Hirsch on the mat for a bit and hit a stunner out of a cazadora and a dropkick in the corner for a near fall. Hirsch came back with a pair of german suplexes and a knee strike. She and Diamante exchanged slaps until Hirsch got sick of that and slapped on the cross armbreaker for the quick tap out.
Varsity Blonds defeated Liam Gray & Adrian Alanis (3:39)
On a week when the Dark Side of the Ring documentary debuts on his father, Brian Pillman Jr. wore Cincinnati Bengals trunks. Alanis and Gray jumped Pillman Jr. and Griff Garrison before the bell, but got stereo suplexed for their troubles. Garrison hit a high boot and Pillman Jr. came in with a dropkick on Alanis, but Alanis came back with a sling blade.
Hey everyone! It’s Tuesday. You know what that means.
As a reminder, the GoFundMe for Larry Csonka’s daughters is still active. Please contribute and share if you can.
Let’s jump into this week’s episode of AEW Dark.
Powerhouse Hobbs & Ricky Starks vs. Aaron Frye & Brick Aldridge
Brick Aldridge vs. a man built like an actual brick house in Hobbs. Let’s see who wins. Spoiler alert: It was Hobbs. He just destroyed these poor gentlemen and got the win at 32 seconds while Starks just lounged on the ramp.
Blake’s Rating: SQUASH
Leyla Hirsch (7-3) vs. Diamante (5-2)
This month has been one of those months that makes it difficult to be a fan of this division.
As usual, it's not because of the performers themselves; as per usual, they gave it their all the.