APH Huntington: New Initiatives for People Who Are Blind or Visually Impaired in a Small Appalachian Town
About Huntington
Huntington, WV is a small town in Appalachia, surrounded by individuals and families who live in rural and mountain counties. Home to only 46,500 residents, Huntington is comprised of a small, downtown area surrounded by a larger suburban and rural population, and as of the most recent census, nearly 25% of its population lives below the poverty line.
As you may imagine, and can certainly understand, people who are blind or visually impaired living in Huntington, and other rural towns like it, often encounter unique and significant challenges to independent living. These challenges can include access to transportation, access to education, access to employment, and access to the information and technologies that make them possible. Rural communities often have smaller numbers of resources, smaller budgets, and smaller numbers of peop
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Thirty-four states offer tax credits or deductions on state income taxes for contributions.
Seven states also provide tax benefits if you use another state s 529 plan.
529 plans are state-sponsored investment accounts that allow parents to save for a child s education. The money grows tax-free within the account, and no taxes are due when the money is withdrawn as long as it s for eligible education expenses.
You are not restricted to your own state s plan. In fact, you can contribute to any state s 529 plan. However, if you set up a plan in your home state, you may be eligible for a tax break on your contribution.