Lee County School Board again discussing student non-discrimination policies
Published: May 25, 2021 6:58 AM EDT
Updated: May 25, 2021 7:04 AM EDT
A poster about student non-discrimination policies is once again the center of a Lee County School Board meeting Tuesday. School administrators want to make sure everyone feels safe and included, but will the poster stay in next year’s code of conduct, or will it be taken out?
The School Board may decide to do that, but there is a secondary draft in place that still tackles the issue of discrimination and how all students will be protected. it includes the same language, but it’s just worded differently.
Lee County School Board releases 2021 evaluation of superintendent
Published: May 18, 2021 3:47 PM EDT
Updated: May 19, 2021 7:58 AM EDT
Do the Lee County School Board members think Superintendent Dr. Gregory Adkins has done a good job during his tenure?
When we first reported Adkins was retiring, we showed you his most recent board evaluations available to us – those were from 2020. And we promised you we’d update you as soon as we got his evaluations from 2021.
Now we have them.
Every member of the school board rated Adkins’ performance worse in 2021 than they did in 2020.
The board’s split stays the same year to year.
Masks no longer required at Lee County School Board meetings
Published: May 13, 2021 5:42 PM EDT
Updated: May 13, 2021 7:54 PM EDT
After a year of living with masks as a necessity, the CDC says people who are fully vaccinated can take them off almost anywhere.
The new guidance clears the way for a full-scale reopening, and doctors say people can return to doing the things they stopped doing because of the pandemic.
This announcement is welcomed news for many parents in Lee County, who have continued fighting for their students to not be required to wear masks in school.
One Lee County woman fought to attend a school board meeting without a mask and she won.
School board sets steps for interim superintendent search
By MEGHAN BRADBURY / news@breezenewspapers.com - | May 7, 2021
After much more discussion, the Lee County School Board further laid out the steps it will take to take to search for an interim superintendent during a workshop on May 4.
The board discussed the language for its job position posting, outlets and budget to list the job post and three potential consultants.
After a very lengthy discussion, the board agreed that the verbiage of three years of effective, or highly effective public school classroom teaching experience was not needed as an essential job function qualification.
Small protest at Lee County school district wants schools to unmask children
Published: May 7, 2021 6:16 PM EDT
Ricky Reinoso, of Cape Coral, said he has mixed emotions about donning a mask.
Sarasota resident Alison Goergen knows where she stands on masks.
“Let’s get rid of these,” Goergen said.
That’s not what Lehigh Acres resident Patrick Dawson thinks.
“You gotta do, what you gotta do, you know,” Dawson said.
Sean Wilks, of Michigan, said when he goes to a restaurant “everyone around ya is still breathing all over the place. Outside or indoors.”
Now that the vaccine is out, so are the people who wore masks all day at work.