Fears have grown that a valuable community centre could be forced to close due to a lack of volunteers and the impact of the pandemic. The chair of Stanwix Community Association and city councillor Paul Nedved fears for the future of Stanwix Community Centre on Church Street. In the past, the centre has been well-used for private bookings and is one of the cheapest room hires north of the river in Carlisle. However, it has not been able to open regularly due to the Covid-19 restrictions that have been in place. Mr Nedved said: “We are urgently in need of support as we have had a few volunteers retiring or moving away over the last year, as well as not being able to regularly open due to Covid-19 over the last 12 months.
This week, many in our city will be gearing up to elect representing to serve on Carlisle City Council. On Thursday, every adult in the city will be entitled to have their say at the ballot box. In today s gallery, we look back at those who have been elected, those who have voted in previous years and, importantly, those who make these important events possible with their dedication to ensuring everyone who wants to vote can and, of course, that every last vote is accounted for! As ever, this year is one like no other and so the consultation on local reorganisation in Cumbria means that Carlisle City Council and Cumbria County Council elections won’t go ahead as planned.