LSU’s culture of complicity to cover up sexual misconduct was a stark departure from the culture of compliance to which every institution of higher education should aspire. A well-structured compliance program is the best way to achieve a fully compliant college.
The Oregon State University Board of Trustees plans to meet via videoconference on Wednesday to discuss recent reports regarding President F. King Alexander s handling of sexual misconduct and Title IX issues during his tenure at Louisiana State University and to consider possible disciplinary action against Alexander.
The meeting was spurred by the March 3 report from Husch Blackwell, a law firm hired to review LSU s handling of sexual misconduct and other Title IX issues, board Chair Rani Borkar said in a statement on Monday.Â
Hours after Monday s announcement, Alexander fielded questions from the OSU Faculty Senate in an effort to address concerns from the campus community, largely stemming from the Husch Blackwell report. During the forum, which ran for more than an hour, Faculty Senate President Selina Heppell presented questions submitted by faculty members in order to protect the identity of those asking the questions.
Matt Houston will join KENS 5 on March 22 as their newest reporter.Courtesy KENS 5Show MoreShow Less
Matt Houston will join KENS 5 on March 22 as their newest reporter.Courtesy KENS 5Show MoreShow Less
Matt Houston will join KENS 5 on March 22 as their newest reporter.Courtesy KENS 5Show MoreShow Less
From our neighboring state of Louisiana, Matt Houston will be headed to Texas to work at KENS 5 and tell the stories of San Antonio.
Houston is joining the CBS affiliate from WAFB in Baton Rouge where he was promoted to weekend anchor at the height of the coronavirus pandemic. But that wasn t his only accomplishment. Houston was also the youngest serving member of the station s editorial board.
Oregon State to meet on possible discipline to former LSU President F. King Alexander By WAFB Staff | March 16, 2021 at 6:28 AM CDT - Updated March 17 at 5:59 AM
CORVALLIS, Ore. (WAFB) - Oregon State University Board of Trustees announced that they are scheduled to meet on Wednesday, March 17 on the allegations surrounding former LSU President F. King Alexander and how he handled sexual misconduct and dating violence, during his tenure at LSU.
Gov. Edwards ‘very troubled’ by report on LSU’s Title IX violations ‘it really made me sick to the stomach’
In a statement released from OSU they stated that members of their Board of Trustees would review the Husch Blackwell report issued on March 5, on behalf of the Board of Supervisors of Louisiana State University and report back to the OSU community. That review prompted the scheduling this week of a Board meeting.