From urban to suburban to rural Pennsylvania, the spending requests from members of Congress read like an X-ray of gaps in the social safety net and differences in opportunity across the state.
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With Marianne LeVine and Zach Montellaro.
HOW SENATE REPUBLICANS PLAN TO ATTACK S1: Expect some fireworks this a.m. at a Senate Rules Committee markup on Democrats’ signature elections and ethics reform bill.
Senate Republicans are planning to brand the legislation a “politically motivated federal takeover of the election system that would make elections more chaotic and less secure,” according to a
I was delighted to learn in a recent edition of LNP | LancasterOnline that the World Worm Charming Championships have been held since 1980, when Tom Shufflebotham charmed 511 worms out of the ground in 30 minutes.
It occurred to me that this is not dissimilar to our primary election process, in which various âwormsâ appear out of the ground â only to go right back in when the contest is over.
These âwormsâ ostensibly aerate our soil for the benefit of all but always in their hidden world, which we never see.
My favorite worm is U.S. Rep. Lloyd Smucker. Like a worm, I believe he is concerned primarily with his own survival, which means that he is responsible only to his partyâs leadership and has no responsibility to any of us or any of the other worms.