The Madhya Pradesh High Court on Thursday refused bail to comedian Munawar Faruqui who is accused of passing indecent remarks about Hindu deities during a show, and noted that promote harmony is one of the constitutional duties. Liberty of a person has to be balanced with his duties towards other citizens, Justice Rohit Arya of the Indore bench of the high court said, citing a Supreme Court ruling. The court also turned down the bail plea of Nalin Yadav, another accused in the case. Faruqui and four others were arrested on January 1 following a complaint by a BJP MLA s son that objectionable remarks about Hindu deities and Union Home Minister Amit Shah were passed during a comedy show at a cafe in Indore on New Year s day. One more person was arrested subsequently.
Munawar Faruqui, the stand-up comedian who has been jailed in a case against him for allegedly passing indecent remarks against Hindu deities, was denied bail by the Madhya Pradesh High Court on Thursday. It observed that it was the constitutional duty of every citizen and the states to promote harmony among people irrespective of the diversities.
Justice Rohit Arya of the Indore bench of the high court also turned down the bail application of Nalin Yadav, another accused in the case.
The single-bench had on Monday reserved the order on their bail pleas.
Police had arrested Faruqi and four others on January 1 following a complaint by a BJP MLA’s son that objectionable remarks were made by him and others about Hindu deities during a comedy show at a cafe in Indore. One more person was arrested later.