Rhode Island Attorney General Peter F. Neronha announced on Tuesday that his office issued a decision, pursuant to its authority under Rhode Island’s Hospital Conversions Act, to conditionally approve a transaction that would allow a change in ownership o
May 28, 2021
(Wakefield, RI) A hate crime trial for a Rhode Island woman will continue into a second week next week.Christine Longo of South Kingstown allegedly told a black man from East Providence to, quote, go back to his country at a restaurant in Narragansett last summer and is also accused of verbally-assaulting his family.Longo faces a misdemeanor charge of disorderly conduct, but the Rhode Island Attorney General s Office has added a hate crime sentencing enhancement if she is convicted.Longo s attorney argued at the trial in Wakefield District Court this week that her remarks, though offensive, are protected by free-speech rights.
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Reply The Special Victims Unit will aggressively pursue justice on behalf of our most vulnerable victims while being sensitive to the unique needs and dynamics associated with these challenging cases,” said Col. James Manni. (Mary Serreze/Patch )
PROVIDENCE, RI The Rhode Island State Police launched a new, Special Victims Unit, the department announced Tuesday.
The unit will focus on investigating cases involving sexual assault, domestic violence, child abuse, child molestation, missing children, sex offender registration violations, commercial sexual exploitation of children and human and labor trafficking. Detectives assigned to the unit are specialized in investigating serious violent crimes against children, along with other vulnerable populations like the elderly and people with developmental disabilities, the department said.
May 3, 2021
(Providence, RI) The Rhode Island Attorney General s Office says a request for approval of an ownership change at Roger Williams and Fatima Hospitals in Greater Providence is being withdrawn. Prospect Medical Holdings cried foul last week after announcing that the A.G. s office was requiring a 150-million-dollar escrow if the sale went through. Attorney General Peter Neronha says the ownership group has requested more time to try to convince his office they are prepared to provide financial security guarantees, notwithstanding what he called an irresponsible threat to close the hospitals in response to the conditions being imposed.