Mayor Lori Lightfoot got a federal COVID-19 spending package through the City Council on Friday, days after complaints from some aldermen about her earlier decision to use $281.5 million in relief money on Chicago police salaries prompted two members to delay the vote.
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TGIF, Illinois. We’ve had some week. Cheers to a quiet weekend (please).
Mayor Lori Lightfoot accused Ald. Ed Burke Thursday night of trying to sabotage her plans for Covid-19 relief funding the way he thwarted legislation decades ago during the notorious Council Wars.
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With help from Maria Carrasco.
Mayor Lori Lightfoot prepares to speak to reporters Feb. 4, 2021. | Pat Nabong/Chicago Sun-Times via AP
Some of the biggest names in Chicago business and sports have taken out a
Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot is facing backlash at home after it was revealed her administration spent $281.5 million in federal COVID-19 relief funding on Chicago Police Department personnel costs.