States have billions of dollars from the American Rescue Plan. Now they have to spend it
Some states will use their share to fill budget holes caused by COVID s economic shutdown, and others are spending on initiatives to bring equity to people of color.
Stacey Barchenger, USA TODAY NETWORK
4:59 am UTC May. 7, 2021
President Joe Biden signs COVID-19 relief bill, includes $1,400 stimulus checks
President Joe Biden signed the American Rescue Plan, the $1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief package that includes $1,400 stimulus checks.
Associated Press, USA TODAY
Indiana plans to use some of its $3 billion for police body cameras.
Maryland used a fifth of its $3.9 billion to send checks to low-income workers, establish tax benefits for families and businesses and support other relief programs.
South Dakota is getting $1.1 billion from the American Rescue Plan. Now they have to spend it
How the $1.1 billion South Dakota is set to receive through President Biden’s stimulus package will be spent remains to be seen.
Stacey Barchenger, USA TODAY NETWORK
11:08 am UTC May. 7, 2021
President Joe Biden signs COVID-19 relief bill, includes $1,400 stimulus checks
President Joe Biden signed the American Rescue Plan, the $1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief package that includes $1,400 stimulus checks.
Associated Press, USA TODAY
Indiana plans to use some of its $3 billion for police body cameras.
Maryland used a fifth of its $3.9 billion to send checks to low-income workers, establish tax benefits for families and businesses and support other relief programs.
States have billions of dollars from the American Rescue Plan. Now they have to spend it
Some states will fill budget holes caused by COVID s economic shutdown, and others are spending on initiatives to bring equity to people of color.
Stacey Barchenger, USA TODAY NETWORK
1:03 pm UTC May. 5, 2021
President Joe Biden signs COVID-19 relief bill, includes $1,400 stimulus checks
President Joe Biden signed the American Rescue Plan, the $1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief package that includes $1,400 stimulus checks.
Associated Press, USA TODAY
Indiana plans to use some of its $3 billion for police body cameras.
Maryland used a fifth of its $3.9 billion to send checks to low-income workers, establish tax benefits for families and businesses and support other relief programs.