President Trump Will Use an Anti-Terror Law to Avoid Years-Long Enviro Studies
July 23, 2017
To avoid years-long environmental studies, President Trump and The U.S. Customs and Border Patrol plan to use a 2005 anti-terror law to sidestep an environmental impact study for a section of President Donald Trump’s border wall.
It’s the portion of the wall that will pass through a Texas national refuge for endangered ocelots, Reuters reported.
Trump’s 2018 budget proposal calls for 32 miles (51 km) of new border wall in the Rio Grande Valley Sector of the U.S.-Mexico border, where the 2,000-acre Santa Ana National Wildlife Refuge is located.
253 Migrants Apprehended in One Hour Along Texas Border with Mexico
6 Feb 2021
Rio Grande Valley Sector Border Patrol agents apprehended two large groups of migrants during a one-hour period earlier this week near Mission, Texas. Agents also apprehended 56 others in a stash house and a failed human smuggling attempt.
Late Thursday night, McAllen Station Border Patrol agents apprehended a group of 166 migrants who surrendered to them after illegally crossing the border from Mexico just south of Mission. The group consisted of family unit aliens and unaccompanied alien children, according to information obtained from Rio Grande Valley Sector Border Patrol officials.
253 illegal aliens apprehended in 1 hour.
4 Feb 2021
A Texas Democrat state senator called the release by Border Patrol of migrant families who have not been tested for COVID-19 “unconscionable.” The senator’s comments followed the release of large numbers of migrant families in the Rio Grande Valley who have not been tested for Coronavirus.
“[Border Patrol agents] were just dropping them off at the bus station without testing them. Obviously, that’s very alarming to all of us in that they’re coming from Central America and through Mexico and to be released into the United States without being tested for COVID is really unconscionable,” Texas State Senator Jose “Chuy” Hinojosa (D-McAllen) told Border Report on Wednesday afternoon.