Getting to Know: Shadi Khattab
How the founder of Onit Coffee plans to expand from a truck to a franchise
Back Web Only May 28, 2021 By Vanessa Labi
Onit Coffee isn’t your standard coffee shop. For starters, it’s not a “shop” in the brick-and-mortar sense (yet). But what it lacks in four walls, it makes up for in good vibes. Visit their coffee truck in Elk Grove, and it’s all friendly, everybody-knows-your-name vibes from the staff. On their Instagram, you’ll be treated to a kaleidoscope of images of colorful drinks red and orange sunset smoothies, green matcha boba, purple taro milk tea.
In all likelihood, you do not currently associate Friedrich Nietzsche, the German philosopher, essayist and cultural critic, with entrepreneurship. Serial entrepreneurs Brad Feld and Dave Jilk — whose friendship dates back to their college days at MIT — think that you should. Indeed, in the foreword of their new book, “The Entrepreneur’s Weekly Nietzsche: A […]