Joseph M. Hassett | The Lilliput Press
188 pages – €15.00 (Available on Amazon, $16.95, May 1, 2021)
Langan’s Book Mark: 4/4 Stars
This is a handsome and stylish book, both in looks and, more importantly, in its capacity to appreciate the magic of William Butler Yeats’s poetry. It’s written by Joseph M. Hassett, the careful scholar who has penned two important books about him and his poetry and now a third, Yeats Now.
Joseph Hassett has written extensively on Yeats, as well as on Joyce and other Irish writers. He has a Ph.D. in Anglo-Irish Literature from University College Dublin and is a graduate of Canisius College and Harvard Law School. His previous publications include Yeats and the Poetics of Hate, 1986; W. B. Yeats and the Muses (Oxford University Press, 2010); and “The Ulysses Trials: Beauty and Truth Meet the Law (Lilliput, 2016.)
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What a year. Who would have thought this time last year that 2020 would bring a pandemic? And what did it mean for books? Well, publishing schedules went a bit haywire as titles were postponed, trumpeted or slipped under the radar. It was possibly the worst time to be a debut author, with launches taking on a new identity.
Writers festivals and bookshop events were cancelled or migrated online. But didn t we readers respond well? We took to virtual events in our homes with alacrity, while festival directors swiftly and imaginatively adapted their offerings in a new world.