During the past quarter, 23 companies analysed by ET across the cement, steel, tyres, automotive and chemicals industries have announced cumulative capex plans upward of ₹1.75 lakh crore, with the bulk of it to be spent in FY22.
Energy giant Saudi Aramco said Sunday its second-quarter profits for 2021 had nearly quadrupled compared to the same period last year on the back of higher oil prices.
Free cash flow was $22.6 billion in the second quarter and $40.9 billion for the first half of 2021, compared to $6.1 billion and $21.1 billion, respectively, for the same periods in 2020.
RIAD (dpa-AFX) - Der Ölkonzern Saudi Aramco hat seinen Gewinn im Zuge der weltweit anziehenden Konjunktur und steigender Ölpreise deutlich erhöht. Der saudische Branchengigant meldete am Sonntag für das