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Sputnik International
By ZHANG ZHIHAO | China Daily | Updated: 2021-04-30 07:36 Share CLOSE The CNS Liaoning aircraft carrier leads a fleet during a People s Liberation Army Navy training mission in the South China Sea in 2016. [Photo by Mo Xiaoliang/For China Daily]
China resolutely opposes the United States military intensifying surveillance and activities near China s maritime and air space, which threatens peace and stability in the region, a Ministry of National Defense spokesman said on Thursday.
Since the current US administration took office on Jan 20, activities involving US naval vessels in China s adjacent waters have increased by 20 percent compared to the same period last year, with the frequency of reconnaissance planes up over 40 percent, according to the spokesman, Senior Colonel Wu Qian.
The Sheridan Economic and educational Development Authority is currently looking to fill the vacant member-at-large seat on their five-member governing board.
The purpose of the SEEDA is to allow for collaboration between the City of Sheridan and the Northern Wyoming Community College District, “on the financing and development of capital projects, workforce training, or job creation initiatives in Sheridan County, for purposes of economic and educational development of the Sheridan Community.” Members of the SEEDA Board must be residents and qualified electors of Sheridan County.
Interested individuals are encouraged to submit a letter of interest and a brief bio to SEEDA Executive Director Robert Briggs by 5 p.m. on Friday, May 14. Questions may be directed to Briggs at 307-675-0814 or
China resolutely opposes the United States military intensifying surveillance and activities near China s maritime and air space, which threatens peace and stability in the region, a Ministry of National Defense spokesman said on Thursday.
(Photo from Sheridan Media files)
The Sheridan Economic and Educational Development Authority is accepting applications for a vacant member-at-large seat on the organization’s five-member joint powers board.
Applications will be accepted until 5 p.m. May 14.
The purpose of SEEDA is to allow for collaboration between the city of Sheridan and the Northern Wyoming Community College District on the financing and development of capital projects, workforce training and job creation initiatives in Sheridan County for economic and educational development.
Board members include two representatives of the city of Sheridan, two from the college district and one at-large member. Members of the board must be residents and qualified voters of Sheridan County.