CLARKSBURG, Mass. — Town officials agree that a pickleball court would be a great addition to the town's recreational activities. But they don't agree on where it should.
Utah Business The pandemic impacted every department of every company, but none more so than our HR departments. In an instant, they were tasked with helping us transition to a remote workforce while developing the protocols that help keep us safe and healthy in the workplace. Because of this, we are even more excited to honor this year’s class of HR Achievement Award winners. Let’s meet them.
Brandon C. Batt
How would you like to see human resources and talent acquisition progress?
It’s time for an unpopular opinion: Those in the [Human Capital] arena need to be more inclusive with those trying to get a foot in the “HC door.” I have seen individuals being pushed out of the “circle” time and time again―if even let in at all. Now is the time for everyone to get over themselves, link arms with young people in their careers, and bring them to the top of the mountain.