Amritsar: Amritsar Central Jail authorities on Friday seized three mobile phones from the premises. Two of them were confiscated from two jail inmates while one was found abandoned. Jaswinder Singh, Assistant Jail Superintendent, told the police that during checking of room No.1 from barrack number 2 when an android phone was seized from Sukhdev Singh, alias Sunny, of Rajatal village and another keypad phone was recovered from prisoner Rashpal Singh of Teda Khurd village from the de-addiction centre. Meanwhile, a cell phone was found abandoned in a dustbin. A case has been registered. TNS
Constable’s mobile stolen
Amritsar: Diraj Singh, a constable of the Punjab Police, lodged a complaint with the Rambagh police station and said an unidentified person decamped with his expensive mobile phone from his room on Wednesday. Dilraj is deputed as a gunman with Ravi Karan Singh Kahlon, former Youth Akali Dal (Majha zone) president, after his duty he fell asleep in his room. In the
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