Lisa suffers from bipolar disorder and has been battling with Thames Water to fix the issue.
She says the disgusting situation is incredibly stressful and causes her to vomit.
Lisa owns two dogs, but they are unable to play freely in the garden because of the rancid water.
Lisa has problems with her front and back gardens flooding since 2013 (Image: Berkshire Live / Darren Pepe)
Lisa told Berkshire Live: This has been happening for eight years. It s not even rained for two weeks and my back and front garden have filled up with this disgusting water again. The Thames Water people came, had a look and said they didn t have the right equipment to do anything and went away again, leaving me with a disgusting front and back garden.
Detroit senior citizen claims neighbor is dumping raw sewage in backyard of home
‘It’s unsanitary and unacceptable,’ Scott says
DETROIT – A local man said city officials wouldn’t help when he complained about his neighbor dumping raw sewage into the back yard.
“They have rigged up some kind of situation where when they flush the toilet, it will come out into the yard,” Leo Scott said. “That is unsanitary.”
A spokesperson for the city of Detroit told the Local 4 Defenders they have no record of Scott’s complaint in December and that city officials are going through calls and messages to figure out where the miscommunication happened.