No regrets : Evangelicals and other faith leaders still support Trump after deadly US Capitol attack Rick Jervis, Marc Ramirez and Romina Ruiz-Goiriena, USA TODAY
Trump takes no responsibility for Capitol attack
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Like millions of other Americans, Franklin Graham watched the disturbing images of last week s riots at the U.S. Capitol with swelling concern and anger.
Graham, son of the late evangelist Billy Graham and head of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, said he was sickened to see people attack my Capitol and break down the doors of my Capitol and was dismayed to see how President Donald Trump riled up the protesters.
A health provider in Orange County is accused by the state of New York of "fraudulently" obtaining the COVID-19 vaccine, health officials said Saturday.
The 5 Towns Jewish Times
December 15, 2020
On December 10, the first night of Chanukah, Congregation Toras Emes, located in the Oakwood section of Staten Island, held its annual menorah lighting at Richmond Town’s NetCost Market. “This year’s Chanukah celebration is a bit dampened, with many people sadly feeling a sense of loss. Chanukah and the traditional menorah lighting is the solution. It gives us the spirt and courage to persevere as we struggle with the pandemic. The flames of the menorah give us the optimism that there will be a better and brighter tomorrow. If we keep our faith and focus on helping each other as we are, I am confident we will get through these hard times,” stated Rabbi Yochanan Ivry, rabbi of Toras Emes.
NBC/MSNBC legal analyst Benjamin Wittes and Bill Kristol want ‘someone in the Jewish press’ to publish a list of Jews at WH Chanukah party
Posted at 1:01 pm on December 11, 2020 by Sarah D.
The White House recently hosted a Chanukah party. And the Washington Post was on it, of course:
On record day for covid-19 deaths, Trump falsely proclaims at packed Hanukkah party, We’re going to win this election
WaPo reports that there were actually two different White House Chanukah parties on Wednesday, each with more than 100 guests, not all of whom were masked.