Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas are in their second year of marriage. During a video segment with Vogue Australia titled The Secret Behind, Priyanka Chopra was asked to reveal her secrets behind a good marriage. Here s what she answered
Elon Musk "outed" Bitcoin's true environmental identity as a less-than-clean currency. But what does that mean for investors?More From InvestorPlace Stock Prodigy Who Found NIO at $2… Says Buy THIS Now It doesn’t matter if you have $500 in savings or $5 million. Do this now. Top Stock Picker Reveals His Next Potential 500% Winner
Welcome to Demon School Iruma-kun Shows Off Season 2 Opening, Ending Themes: Watch
Welcome to Demon School, Iruma-kun has shown off its opening and ending themes for the second season! Osamu Nishi s original manga series released its anime debut back in 2019 and it was one of the biggest hits of that year. Now the series has finally returned for its much anticipated second season as the titular Iruma is now facing all sorts of different challenges in the titular demon school. After spending the first season making sure he fit in with the wacky new school after being taken to the underworld by surprise, the second season is launching into whole new territory.
New research made everyday paints a dreadful picture of the state of our delicate ecosystem from deep-sea corals to land animals. A recent study reveals that nearly one-third of the diverse freshwater fish populations which amounts to 51% of the total known fish species are on the edge of extinction across the world.
(Photo : Jeremy Bishop)
The World s Forgotten Fishes
The shocking number comes from the latest analysis done and gathered by 16 global conservation organizations in a study titled The World s Forgotten Fishes .
The analysis was led by the World Wildlife Fund For Nature (WWF), and partnering with organizations like the Nature Conservancy, London Zoological Society (ZSL), Global Wildlife Conservation, and Alliance for Freshwater Life.