Time to panic-buy an electric pickup truck?
With help from Renuka Rayasam and Myah Ward
RUNNING ON EMPTY Electric vehicles are the automotive vanguard of a greener world, and they’ve never generated more buzz.
Tesla is now the world’s most valuable car company, worth more than its top four competitors combined. Its CEO, Elon Musk, now the world’s richest man, just hosted Saturday Night Live.
General Motors has pledged to go all-electric by 2035, Volkswagen by 2027 and Jaguar by 2025. President Joe Biden’s infrastructure plan calls for $174 billion in electric vehicle investments. When the Colonial pipeline hack created a gas shortage this week, his energy secretary, Jennifer Granholm, slyly noted that it wouldn’t affect EV owners.
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With help from Myah Ward and Joanne Kenen
DOCTORS RECOMMEND RESPONSIBLY GOING VIRAL Short-video platform TikTok boomed during the pandemic. Even if you don’t use the app, you’re familiar with the videos: Unescapable dance trends, memes that have become lexicon and videos that capture a moment and then change the world.
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With help from Myah Ward
AFTER CHENEY Rep. Liz Cheney’s (R-Wyo.) seemingly imminent ouster from her spot as the No. 3 Republican in House leadership will reverberate inside the GOP in 2021 and beyond.
Her probable successor, New York Rep. Elise Stefanik, made her reputation when she defended Trump during his first impeachment hearing. But Stefanik wasn’t always a Trump loyalist. How might she help shape the Republican Party’s future?
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With Nicholas Wu and Andrew Desiderio.
THE RIPPLE EFFECT: Tremors from the Jan. 6 attack and subsequent impeachment vote continue to reverberate in the Republican party, showing how a strong appetite for Donald Trump means little patience for vocal anti-Trumpers.