National Park Service wants volunteers to kill bison in the Grand Canyon
Updated: 16:54 ET, Apr 30 2021
THE National Park Service is looking for volunteers to help kill hundreds bison in the Grand Canyon s National Park.
The NPS, along with the Arizona Game and Fish Department (AZGFD), are looking for people “skilled” in “bison removal,” according to a webpage post.
The NPS is looking to reduce the herd by about two-thirds, down from 600 to 200 bisonCredit: Getty - Contributor
The NPS said it was concerned about the impact the herd was having (file photo)Credit: Getty
Applications from the public are open from 12am, local time, on May 3 and close at 11.59pm on May 4 with the job starting in September 2021.
Updated: Apr 30 2021, 18:32 ET
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JOE Biden’s bizarre impression of an Amtrak conductor in which he impersonated him saying Joey, baby! has tickled the internet.
The President made the hilarious impersonation on Friday as he recalled the staff on board a train being like family when he commuted home from Washington DC to Wilmington, Delaware.
He then raised his voice and exclaims Hey Joey Credit: Twitter/The Recount
As a US senator, Biden was a fixture on Amtrak trains between his home and the capital, when the Senate was in session.
He continued riding Amtrak as vice president and has been dubbed as Amtrak Joe.
Deafening Brood X cicada swarms descend upon 15 states after staying underground for 17 years
Updated: Apr 30 2021, 16:09 ET
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BILLIONS of deafeningly loud Brood X cicadas are starting to surface and engulf the treetops of states across the East Coast and Midwest for a mating frenzy.
The creepy-looking critters have stayed underground for 17 years but an immense army of nymphs are once again emerging from the earth to unleash ear-splitting chaos.
Billions of cicadas known as the Brood X species will soon be swarming in eastern and mid-west statesCredit: Alamy
Early cicada sightings this week in parts of Maryland and Tennessee have been creating a big buzzCredit: Getty
Brazil forced to bury Covid dead on STREETS after cemetery space runs out as deaths soar to 400,000
13:54 ET, Apr 30 2021
BRAZIL has been forced to bury the bodies of those who have died from Covid on the streets as deaths soar to 400,000 and cemetery space runs out.
Grim images of streets being dug up to make space for new graves have emerged as Brazil’s death toll surpassed 400,000 on Thursday.
Aerial view of COVID-19 victims graves on a street, since there is no more free area at the Nossa Senhora Aparecida cemetery, in Manaus, Amazonas stateCredit: AFP
Workers of a funeral parlour, wearing protective clothing, remove the body of Valnir Mendes da Silva, 62, that was laying on a sidewalk of Arara communityCredit: Reuters
12.6 million people visited South Dakota.
State officials never imposed travel restrictions or mask mandates at the height of the pandemic. In the summer of 2020, ads encouraged people to visit South Dakota.
Jim Hagen is the state Secretary of Tourism. He says revenue from the industry has increased nearly every year and remains an important part of the state economy.
“Game Fish and Parks Department, the parks division, has set records every single year for literally the last ten years. 2020 was unlike anything. As we’ve heard, Custer State Park welcomed more than 2 million visitors for the first time ever, in 2020.”