By: Barry Mangold
Shaun Bosse was convicted of killing a mother and her two kids in McClain County and sentenced to death more than a decade ago. On Tuesday, he was charged with the crimes again in federal court after his state conviction was thrown out due to a change in jurisdictional law.
“He gets a whole other shot at it,” said Greg Mashburn, the Oklahoma district attorney who helped convict Bosse at the state level in 2012.
The U.S. Supreme Court ruling in McGirt v. Oklahoma reaffirmed tribal boundaries and criminal jurisdictions. The plaintiff in the case was a tribal citizen, convicted of a crime at the state level, who argued he should have been tried at the federal level. The high court agreed.
Four inmates at the McClain County jail have been charged with rioting while behind bars.
Nicholas Smith, 35, Calvin Mize, 24, Colton Vickery, 31, and Johnathen Miller, 47 were charged in McClain County court. A fifth inmate was charged but pleaded guilty a week following the incident which happened in the afternoon of September 11, 2020.
“The safety of the other inmates and the safety of the staff is what is paramount here,” said Lt. Anthony Simpson. “They were luckily able to gain access and gain control very easily in this situation.”
The inmates told investigators they were unhappy their commissary was late that day. It was just the beginning.