JOHNSTOWN The Fulton County Center for Regional Growth is working with an agency that doles out federal funding to get a site assessment of the county completed.
The initiative was reported on by CRG President/CEO Ronald Peters at a recent Fulton County Board of Supervisors’ Economic Development and Environment Committee meeting. He reported on training and ongoing efforts to stir up business for Fulton County.
“We’ve probably had 50 contacts,” Peters said.
Peters said the CRG is working through the Herkimer-based Mohawk Valley Economic Development District to have a Fulton County Site Assessment completed. He said this is one of the first steps in seeking and developing shovel-ready sites. He said a request for proposals recently went out for the work.
GLOVERSVILLE Progress continued in the city throughout 2020 despite the impacts of the coronavirus, according to Mayor Vincent DeSantis, who points to plans to strengthen the city in 2021 and beyond as the next steps towards a bright future.
Delivering the annual state of the city address during the organizational meeting of the Common Council on Friday, DeSantis recounted the optimism he felt delivering the address a year earlier and outlining plans for 2020.
“We started the year 2020 really hitting the ground running and then COVID hit and of course it seemed like the whole world shutdown. But I’m here to tell you today that far from shutting down, we have moved forward on these projects and also have added new initiatives,” said DeSantis.