Big Brother: Could a final three like on BBOTT spice things up?
Wed Apr 07, 2021 at 7:11pm ET
The Big Brother: Over the Top cast in action. Pic credit: CBS
Big Brother: Over the Top tried a lot of new things in order to make the first online season of the show exciting for fans. One of those ideas was to have three houseguests left standing at the end instead of the regular final two.
It’s an idea that might just spice up the season finale for a Big Brother summer season, especially because it could give the jury plenty to debate about in the final days of the season.
Big Brother 23 cast: New person in place to help select BB23 players?
Wed Jan 27, 2021 at 11:09am ET
A new Big Brother cast will take over the house this summer. Pic credit: CBS
The Big Brother 23 cast is getting put together to play the game this summer. The people who make the cut for the BB23 cast will begin by meeting the casting director and getting forwarded on to the producers.
Robyn Kass, who has served as the Big Brother casting director for years, just announced that she has left the position to explore different career opportunities.
Robyn’s exit means that someone new is stepping into the position or that someone new will be covering her duties for the time being.
Johnny Bananas escapes to Catalina Island for new show, replies to fan about returning to The Challenge
Sun Dec 20, 2020 at 5:03pm ET
The Challenge’s Johnny Bananas hanging out while on a trip for his new show. Pic credit: @realjohnnybananas/Instagram
When it comes to The Challenge champions, many people consider the all-time greatest to be Johnny Bananas Devenanzio since he’s won seven times on the show.
His most recent win was The Challenge: Total Madness last season, and a lot of fans were disappointed he didn’t come back as part of the Double Agents cast.
However, he’s still on television, with a new show that he’s been part of for several months. Bananas recently showed off some images from one of the trips he took, which appeared on that show.