Election Update for Dover, Sherborn and Medfield
Contact Information: 508-785-0032, ext. 226; townclerk@doverma.org
The Town Caucus originally scheduled to be held on Monday, March 8, will not be held due to COVID-19 pandemic.
Instead, this year we will be preparing nomination papers for each of the 12 open positions on elected boards for 2021.
The following positions are open:
Moderator (one position for a one-year term)
Board of Selectmen (one position for a three-year term)
Board of Assessors (one position for a three-year term)
Dover School Committee (one position for a three-year term)
Dover-Sherborn School Committee (one position for a three-year term)
Election Capsules for Dover, Sherborn and Medfield
Contact Information: 508-785-0032, ext. 226; townclerk@doverma.org
The Town Caucus originally scheduled to be held on Monday, March 8, will not be held due to COVID-19 pandemic.
Instead, this year we will be preparing nomination papers for each of the 12 open positions on elected boards for 2021.
The following positions are open:
Moderator (one position for a one-year term)
Board of Selectmen (one position for a three-year term)
Board of Assessors (one position for a three-year term)
Dover School Committee (one position for a three-year term)
Dover-Sherborn School Committee (one position for a three-year term)