The 11-hospital chain aims to build a 50,000-square-foot facility in Winfield as remote work and telehealth pushes rivals including Advocate Aurora Health to rethink their real estate footprints.
Northwestern to expand as other health systems rethink real estate footprint
Northwestern to expand as other health systems rethink real estate footprint
The 11-hospital chain aims to build a $39 million medical facility in Winfield while remote work and telehealth push rivals including Advocate Aurora Health to re-evaluate their office needs.
At a time when remote work and telehealth have many hospital chains looking to unload office space, Northwestern Memorial HealthCare is planning a $39 million medical office building near its Winfield hospital.
Northwestern recently filed an application with the state to construct a three-story, roughly 50,000-square-foot facility at the corner of Jewell and Church near its Central DuPage Hospital, which owns the land. If the state approves the 11-hospital chain’s application, construction could start in August and be completed by Aug. 30, 2023.
As spring moves along, a six-letter word is at the forefront of many minds. That word is “normal.” And some people can hardly wait to get back to it (aka the way we lived before the pandemic). Others, like Lombard resident Valerie Antunes Koch, are anxious about returning to normal life too soon. Antunes Koch, a behavior intervention specialist with the School Association for Special Education .