The Bill was promised in the Queen’s Speech earlier this week.
Former sailor Michael Lyons, who was sentenced to seven months’ imprisonment in 2011 after he developed a conscientious objection to the war in Afghanistan but was refused the right to leave the Royal Navy, has backed the call by the Peace Pledge Union (PPU).
Members of Britain’s armed forces have the right to apply for discharge if they develop a conscientious objection.
But Mr Lyons warned that, in practice, conscientious objection can lead to harassment, death threats and incarceration.
“We must listen to the unique views and experiences of those military personnel who choose to stand up and speak out if we are ever to find a way out of perpetual war,” he said.
Lyons & Simmons Trial Lawyers Secure Record Verdict
Midland jury finds DanCar Industries and its worker negligent in collision that killed three children
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DALLAS, May 10, 2021 /PRNewswire/ A jury in Midland County has returned a $5.9 million verdict against Glen Rose, Texas-based energy construction company DanCar Energy Construction, LLC, finding it responsible for a 2017 multiple-fatality accident caused by an employee speeding to a jobsite in inclement weather.
Jurors agreed that both DanCar and its employee bore responsibility for the collision. The company s policy required that workers show up and sign in on inclement weather days to get paid.
The damaged mobile Sean Orman hid from police
David McMillan, 50, survived a machete attack at his home in Pitcairn Grove, Edinburgh, on march 13 2019.
Orman had denied carrying out the £10,000 contract hit, insisting he was elsewhere at the time, and the attack on Mr McMillan.
But during his trial at the High Court in Edinburgh it emerged in evidence that he had admitted having ‘encro’ messages on his phone – a reference to EncroChat, encrypted messages which are used by crime gang bosses to co-ordinate drug deals, beatings and murders.
Law enforcement agencies, including Police Scotland and the National Crime Agency, are studying encrypted messages which are believed to name the major players on the Edinburgh drug scene.
Orman was jailed for a minimum 28 years yesterday for murdering Welsh, 48, by shooting him in the head with a shotgun outside his home in Edinburgh’s West End on April 17 2019, and attempting to murder one of his associates.
The damaged mobile Sean Orman hid from police
David McMillan, 50, survived a machete attack at his home in Pitcairn Grove, Edinburgh, on march 13 2019.
Orman had denied carrying out the £10,000 contract hit, insisting he was elsewhere at the time, and the attack on Mr McMillan.
But during his trial at the High Court in Edinburgh it emerged in evidence that he had admitted having ‘encro’ messages on his phone – a reference to EncroChat, encrypted messages which are used by crime gang bosses to co-ordinate drug deals, beatings and murders.
A former death row reporter who spent 12 years witnessing nearly 300 men die has revealed some inmates actually look forward to their execution because they see it as a release .
Michelle Lyons started out as a reporter at the Huntsville Item in America s death penalty capital, Texas, before becoming the spokesperson for the state s prison system.
She witnessed her first execution at 22 in 1998 - two years prior to her becoming a journalist and joining the paper - and admitted she became less adept at compartmentalising it as she got older and became a mother, at which point she found herself feeling more empathetic towards inmates families.